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Softwares written and compiled by Jacky

Startup Utilities Programs (SUP) Bootdisk version 3.4


If you are using other OS like Mac, Linus or Unix it will not work.
SUP Bootdisk is not responsible for any data lost or accidents that occur on your computer when working with the program. Please be sure to know what you are doing before proceeding!

Some known problems...

Windows 95 does not have ScanReg to backup & restore the registry
Windows XP can't export product key. Should be hidden or encoded somewhere

Why do you need this bootdisk?

In a case of virus attack or your system is unable to start up anymore, this bootdisk provides the neccsity to do basic diagnose & repair, reinstallation or recovery of your system with just a simple touch of a key.

Startup Utilities Programs (SUP) Bootdisk is compiled using Windows Operating System (OS) to assist users who wish to be their own basic PC technician. SUP Bootdisk have almost all the DOS commands you will need for:

loading CD-ROM drive,
installing a new hard drive (FDisk),
formatting hard drives (Format),
scanning drives for errors (ScanDisk),
extracting the Windows ProductKey, (useful when unable to enter Windows)
backup & restore of system, (partitioned HDD or 2 HDD required)

The main purpose of this bootdisk is to boot up your system for troubleshooting, installation of a new hard-disk & backup or restore of system.

The short-cuts were created for most frequent usage when using a boot disk.
Use the disk & learn to troubleshoot your own computer!

Thank you for using Ranchu2 SUP BootDisk!

Send an e-mail to jacky_ckw@engineer.com to obtain the password.


Format a floppy disk,
Download the zip file,
extract files direct to A: to create your SUP bootdisk. (you need WinZip to do this.)

Please feel free to feedback to jacky_ckw@engineer.com suggestions & improvements or bugs encountered are welcome.

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